Filtering by: Plant Gadsden

Stand Up for Alabama's Waterways: EPA Hearing on Coal Ash
9:00 AM09:00

Stand Up for Alabama's Waterways: EPA Hearing on Coal Ash

Alabama's waterways are at a crossroads, and we need YOUR voice to tip the scales towards protection and restoration. This is a landmark moment - the first proposed denial of a state coal ash permit program. It's our chance to stand up for our waterways, our health, and our communities. Your voice matters. Your action matters. Together, we can protect Alabama's waterways.

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Plant Gadsden Public Hearing on Coal Ash Closure
6:00 PM18:00

Plant Gadsden Public Hearing on Coal Ash Closure

  • Beck Conference Center-Gadsden State Community College (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ADEM has scheduled a public hearing to receive oral comments on the proposed initial issuance of the CCR (Coal Combustion Residuals, or coal ash rule) permit noticed herein, to be held on Thursday, October 29th, 2020, in Gadsden, Alabama at the Beck Conference Center-Gadsden State Community College located at 1001 George Wallace Drive at 6:00 PM. Show up to voice your opinion on coal ash closure in Alabama! The Department is NOT able to live stream the hearing or allow remote participation. Attend and share the event on Facebook!

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